New Love!!!
Insights: Pressure on my head that's making me nauseous. ( Why do i get headaches everyday? )
Anyway, this is my china classmate. He is damn funny. He'll swear at me for fun/nothing. He is learning 'vocabs' like chee bai, lan jiao and he can actually say, '' You freaking bimbotic ass. ''
Check this out:
ChinaRyan says:
Rowena says:
Rowena says:
you idioooooot!!!!
ChinaRyan says:
Rowena says:
Rowena says:
what's ur problem???!! talk to me just to curse and swear at me???!!
Rowena says:
ChinaRyan says:
u got that face
ChinaRyan says:
when ppl see ur face, then wants to curse and swear at u
Rowena says:
Rowena says:
you got tt face
Rowena says:
when ppl see ur face, ppl just ignore you
Rowena says:
He actually msn-ed me just to swear at me know. Cool huh.
Anway, this is Baileys! Just brought him home yesterday.
He just turned 3 months yesterday.
His colour is true-er in the second picture.
Loves. He is the baby of the family now:)
Hiak hiak hiak.
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