wireless down
Insights: I want my wireless connection to work!!! - bored -
Apparently my wireless connection cannot detect any wireless at all, except my school's wi-fi. Not sure what went wrong in the settings after my friend fiddled with it to solve my connection problem in school. Urgghh. I wanna upload pictures and all.. but i'm just too lazy to now, since my laptop is not 'mobile' anymore. (I'm using the router for my connection.) I'm so.. not in the mood to transfer files.. blabla and put em up in this post.
Anyway, i'm only scheduled 2 days of work this week. I'm pissed. Grrr.
Its holidays. 3 weeks of break. I'm feeling.. so~ so~. Its a good thing that i do not need to carry this laptop around, rushing for school and tests.. and so on. But its 3 freaking weeks. It means i'm gonna spend a lot. Its festive season too! Argh. this is not making me feel any better for a very good reason that pay's only coming in January 08. Christmas, new year.. Help.
Hmm.. what have i done for the past week??
Oh. work on Sat was kinda fun. Boss' private party. Uncles asked to dance with me.. Said i was pretty ( apparently everyone knows i'm not anywhere close to the pretty sort ), asked me to drink alot of whiskey... I was pretty amused by them. I guess they must be quite tipsy with all those whiskey shit. Did i mention singleton was good? yeah.. you bet. And i don't think i like macallan. Well, went back with a heavy head. Could not wake up for a good 3 hours before i took my bath. Pukey hang over feel. Disgusting.
Bad news. Baby have just received news that he has to work on both eve and christmas day itself. i was so mad.. i replied his sms, '' f**k em lah.. .....'' So annoying.
Holidays always means less blogging for me. It have always been. Well, i'll try to get more entries up and kick the pigging habit.
I am very fat. Byebye.