[ Zouk? I know exactly. Exactly because the other didn’t call me that I’m thinking “wtf?”. Exactly because she thought it’ll be weird even just asking me that I’m thinking “wtf?”. ]
Obviously i felt wierd. Why would i even wanna club with you when i know you STILL think that i cheated on you with your boyfriend even after clarifying things through sms the other time. Because i did not, and i've explained and apologised for my inappropriate acts. I was thinking the air was cleared but no. You STILL think that im in the wrong. It doesn't make sense for me to even have the desire to party with you when i know you've been talking behind my back to him, saying i was in the wrong at the very first place even until now.[ Did she understand how it feels like to see the scene with your own 2 eyes, though knowing that nothing was happening between them? Simply, no. Because why? Even after saying sorry, exchanging apologies and me knowing my mistake, she could still feel weird when I thought everything was fine, or at least the way she made it sound fine. ]
Stop jumping to conclusions. I fuckin understood how you feel. When i apologised, i meant it. When i say its okay, i meant it. I was already okay with everything. But then i was unhappy again because.. okay back to the above point. I knew you still think that im in the wrong and you've been talking about me behind my back with ya bf. I know its between the both of you but the fact that you've been finger pointing at what i've done that you felt was inappropriate, even after the fact that you acted like everything was fine?? Pretty 2 faced. I was obviously annoyed when i heard of what you've been saying.[ And even after knowing that I had issues with the idiot over her, she could confide in him instead of me. Instead of saying to me directly, she’d rather find him. Instead of backing off, she got closer. Which says alot about the friendship, that I definitely meant less than that idiot to her. A true friend would have kept a distance and sort it out straight with the source. Most importantly, a true friend wouldn’t let it go just because she was disappointed. You didn’t, the other did. Which already in itself, says alot. ]
Hello. Get your facts right. I wasn't the one contacting your bf. HE was the one approaching me to help clear the air between you guys. After that, HE was the one updating me about the happenings and progress between you guys because WE as friends, were concerned. Since when YOU as a friend updated me on what has been happening in your life. Even when you guys broke up, you didnt even tell me. I had to hear it from HIM. WE were the only ones he could turn to. So i dont see why I should stay away from him because he needed our advise when he's going through a rough patch in his life. And why we didnt offer you advise? Simple. Because he turned to us everytime something happens and he shared his problems with us without us even having the need to probe. You didnt. It was hard for me to approach you because I was the sensitive issue between you and your guy. So now you're blaming me for getting closer with him? Puh-lease. He's not just YOUR bf. He's also a very close friend ours. I had to be there when he needed us. We could have been there for you too. But you didn't open up to us.[ And regarding vicious bitches attacking with baseless assumptions, you guys already did over the phone. Did you hear my side of the story? Or just the idiot’s? Did anyone even ask? ]
Why should we ask?? okay. Yes we didn't ask. but then why didn't you bother to tell us? We didn't ask him too. He told us on his own accord. You didn't. We treated both of you the same.[ I am not going to sort it out with the other one, because to me, she could let it go so easily, why should I try so hard to make her stay? After everything, she could still ask the idiot to go for zoukout. What does that say for the respect the other has for me? And what does that say about wanting to mend the friendship? Nothing. ]
Then again, get your facts right before speaking up. Yes i asked him for Zoukout. But what makes you think i did not wanna invite you. See? you making baseless assumption again. In case you didnt know, I was the one that brought up to Nat that you'll be unhappy if we didn't ask you along for Zouk but obvoiously the conclusion was not to ask you because i felt uncomfortable clubbing with someone who thinks i've betrayed her. AND, I was the one bringing it up to Nat last night if we should invite you to Zoukout. Decided not to cause obviously we're not on the best terms now and the air isn't cleared. I was the one taking your feelings into consideration during all those talk. So what makes you think i have no respect for you and i dont give a fuck about our friendship? Stop talking like you know how i think about you.[ At least someone is finally speaking up. It shows that I mean something for you to get angry at, it shows that you’re angered, and most importantly it shows that you have the fucking balls to be alittle more straight forward than the other 2. ]
You want balls. I give you balls. Is all these straighforward enough? If its not, then let me get this straight to you. I was and am still pissed not because of the fact that you were jealous over me. I am not that petty. I am pissed because you have been bitching about me behind my back even after me clarifying things with you. I know this should have been between you and your guy but its just too bad that i've gotten know about it. I do not appreciate you asking your guy to '' GO FUCK ROWENA " and using me to spite him over and over again after the whole incident . Yes what he did with me made you angry. But if you respected me as your friend, you wouldn't have said that. PLUS, after everything you still kept harping that i was in the wrong in the first place when he tried to clear things up between you and me. So it seems like you haven't really forgave me and you acted like you did and all's well......I hope this gives you a clear idea of what's on my mind. If it helps to clear the misunderstanding or whatsoever you call it, good. If not, i have nothing much to say.Btw, your bf is not an idiot. He's one of the most forgiving guys out there, just like mine. You might wanna reconsider verbally abusing him. Well, this is just my opinion and advise. You can choose to ignore it.